Hear from patients about their experiences:
’Anna‘s lecture resonated with me, I found it to be hugely thought provoking and valuable. Not usually a fan of health lectures but I came away with lots of food for thought from this one!’
’I’ve seen Anna for many years with various aches and pains and she has always helped - providing relief from hands on treatment, specific advice and referring me for testing and to my GP when appropriate’.
'Not only is Anna Tillotson such a supportive, informative, metabolic balance coach but she also is very understanding with great advice if ever you have any questions or have a little wobble.
I was really anxious in embarking on this personalised eating plan, that I was doing it correctly & that I would be able to do the duration. After Anna has given me some great tips on how to begin I found just how delicious each morsel of food was as you really take the time to taste the different flavours and textures.
After watching my weight, that I haven't been able to lose in the last couple of years, no matter what I tried, just fall off & never feel hungry I can wholeheartedly say this has given me invaluable insight into completely changing how I eat and for anyone wanting to lose weight this is such a fantastic way.
Thank you so much Anna - wonderful metabolic balance coach'